We are daughters, we are mothers, we are lovers, we are fighters. We endure the pains of our monthly menses, the pains of childbirth and sacrifices of motherhood if we choose to be mothers, the fear of assault, harassment at work and the struggle of climbing up the career ladder while maintaining the home and being paid less than our worth, not to mention the constant judgments of society over every aspect of who we are and what we do.
Womanhood is defined by struggle and hardship, yet my experience of working with hundreds of women has shown me that there is tremendous power at the core of who we are. We are so strong and so resilient... so much more than we give ourselves credit for. On International Women's Day, and every day, be sure to celebrate yourself and all the strength and power you embody as a woman. Celebrate your accomplishments, celebrate your creations, celebrate your life!
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AuthorYamê is a Brazilian-American View Posts By CategoryIf you'd like to read more articles by Yamê or SharqiDance's guest authors, please view our blog map here.
January 2024